
Have Life Coach Will Travel


Do you feel stuck?



Don’t know where to turn?


Have Life Coach Will Travel:

Specializing in helping care for our elderly ones unexpectedly


Have Life Coach Will Travel
(HLCWT) can help you.

HLCWT is a division of Life Coaching. It is designed as an intensive: an action-oriented, non-judgemental, and didactic collaboration of life skill-building. It is a tool for the individual in crisis who needs immediate assistance and intervention. This person is essentially self-motivated but is feeling “stuck” and at a loss of how to move forward. HLCWT is for the person who works better with an “accountability” manager. It is best for couples, families or crisis situations work (i.e. sudden illness with an elderly parent who lives out of town).

I specialize in emotional support and guilt reduction, as well as creative solutions associated with or in dealing with elderly parents, relatives or friends, especially when there is sudden illness, death, and/or declining health and/or mental acuity, and use a full range of tools and techniques drawn from  many fields of experience.

I also specialize in negotiating the Florida health care system for the elderly (with a special focus on Broward County) and am highly knowledgeable on the many transitional life paths the elderly are confronted with.


Questions that come up

  • Financial concerns

  • Medicaid versus Medicare, supplemental policies

  • Differences in independent, assisted and nursing home living; what to look for, nursing care, medicare ratings, location, facilities, activities.

  • Doctors and hospitals

  • Does one really know the people they are now taking care of, or is it assumption and projection.

  • What is best for them may not be the best for us.  Are we projecting our own needs onto them?


How does HLCWT work?

This focus of life coaching customized to you within 3-consecutive-day intensive, about 5 to 6 hours per day, and must be scheduled in advance. Weekends are preferred, but in some cases, I am able to be flexible. Depending on travel time, must consider 2 days for travel to and from the location.  I am willing to go anywhere in the world. Travel and accommodations are additional to coaching fees.

It is a tailored, creative approach just for you. What you need, how fast do you want to work, level of resistance. We pay lip service to wanting to change, but many times the actions are more difficult. I am flexible in my approach and can quickly adapt to what is presented or to additional last-minute crises or adjustments. 


To schedule an appointment, please call +1 (917) 887-3910‬.

If you are unable to call to schedule an appointment, you may email a request* to info@DrEllenForman.com.
Forms of payment accepted: cash, check, all major credit cards, Venmo

* By emailing a request, you understand that your inquiry does not guarantee nor confirm an appointment.
Dr. Ellen S. Forman will respond to your inquiry within 48-72 hours.